I swear, at the rate these girls are going, they will be a pre-teen pop sensation!

On this day they were ALL about the drums! Of course we know that's what Holly is into.

But the other girls did there fair share of music making.

Satine, the Rock Star in making would be the perfect singer, she stayed away from the commotion of the drums.

The Butterflies already have make-up and costumes to go to the show!

Its amazing how much fun they are having, and they are doing it together.

Taking turns and sharing. its always more fun to play when you do it with your friends.

Six more months and Holly will be three and then i can ask Joel about getting a drum set for her.

I think she would love it, but int he mean time, there is plenty for her to play with, and no short supply of hand drums.

They did get around to making mischief, I mean playing with the other toys.

A stroll around the room with baby is always fun.

Here we are making art with the dress-up bracelets, I think the mommies had more fun with this one.

I love these wings, Katherine found them at the dollar store, for only a buck!

What a great deal. Not that Holly needs even more dress up stuff.

We have since removed the drums form the play room, now the kitchen and baby area is expanded.

But I should ask Katherine to bring them out next time we go over. With just four girls it didn't get too crowded.

And here is that Mischief I was talking about, yes she crawled up and into the easel.

It just goes to show that anything can turn into a jungle gym with a little imagination.

And then they escaped and wrecked havoc on there favorite cabinet. Yes, Kathy does need a lock for it.

Fun how fun is that, doesn't it make you want to jump in and help make a mess?

Of course, it wasn't long before we were back to our favorite toy of the day.

VIDEO of Holly playing Drums!
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