Here Holly is making an escape for it through a side window.
But it was too tall for her. The girls were not big enough to ride the hoppers yet they made up there own fun games.
Eventually they realized they were on the TV and started watching themselves.
And then went on with there business transfering the balls from one place to another.
Here is a beautiful shot of the birthday girl in her cute outfit, dressed to the nines.
Those ruffles are to die for, when she twirled they were so pretty.
Holly decided to be the Techie (I think it's in her blood)
and did a light show while Theo preformed for the camera.
Now he knew he was being watched, so he totally hammed it up with his dance moves.
The girls love playing with him, he is sweet and older and really nice with them.
This is an overview of the birthday room. Each of those little houses in the back were mini play areas.
The firehouse, a home with Kitchen and a school house.
Holly really likes the Rockers, but Magnus was too busy putting out fires to join her on one.
She was fast to find a new toy to sit on and amuse herself.
This is little Rowan, Teagan's little brother, he is a year now, just learning to cruise in the picture here.
Lots of Choo Choo's little Rown had one to push around.
And Tristan had one to push around just the right size for him.
Here is Ruby playing her her Daddy, making some music I think.
And Tyler found a play structure to climb up onto, it has a fun slide.
Soon it was time for Cake. The birthday Girl was very excited about that.
The girls are just at the age now where they understand that you sing Happy birthday and then blow out candles.
Chloe had two cakes! A Vanilla and a Chocolate!
Here is Sachi getting on her party hat as we all get ready to sing.
Holly is taking a quiet moment to play with bocks on her own.
There were a lot of people in a small place so it was nice to take a little breather now and then.
Here is Josua taking a moment with his Daddy.
This little guy, Throyden is walking now, and just turned one! He is Theo's little brother.
I love this picture of Chloe, she is doing a little Birthday Dance!
Miss Mira is sporting the Kai Lan hat. I had a hard time getting Holly to wear it for very long.
Here is Little Rowan taking a Daddy break, he loved watching all of the big kids play.
And Miss Maya! She has had a long day. By this time it must have been around 5:00 some of the kids skipped naps.
Other's have early bedtimes, so it was a balance to keep everyone in check.
Yum Yum says Chloe, this cake is GOOD!
It was so fun to see everyone at the party and meet new friends.
We were lucky to have Tanta Kat along to help chase down Holly so mommy could talk with everyone.
Before too many people slipped out for Bedtimes and naps we got a group shot together.
We are quite a bunch! And of course one with the three girls.
Here is Chloe's Grandmother, it was fun to have her there.
Little miss Holly had a wonderful time, and though I recall she didn;t nap she was up for more playing.
After the Party, we went into one of the other play rooms and stayed another two hours, then headed home around 8:00. It was a wonderful day.

Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
1 comment:
How fun! I can't believe how big the birthday parties are for your group! So many kids!
love, Granny
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