Monday, July 19, 2010

Good Bye to Sadie Dey's For Now...

Here are the girls playing at Sadie Dey's, it was our Thursday night regular all Spring.We've missed a few play dates this summer for late naps and fun in the sun.But for the most part we have been vigilant, and enjoyed seeing all of our friendsHowever we just recently received notice that Sadie Dey's is going on Vacation.This week was there last for the summer and they will be missed.Shockingly they won;t be open again until October 15th, new and improved we hear.We sure hope they will be back and can't wait to see the changes.We look forward to going back when the weather cools, but till then our Thursday evenings are freeHolly is enjoying playing with the baby dolls lately, she can even say baby newly.She has seen quite a few new "Siblings" of her friends and when she does she shouts excitedly, "Baby!"The girls have so much fun together, I love there smilesThey are really affectionate as well giving each other hugs and holding hands.Holly loves to share too, not necessarily the toy she is playing with, but she always gets a toy to give to Chloe or Sarah.Its so sweet how caring and considerate she can be at times.She is also so easily amused, it is the joy of little things, that we so easily don't notice.I love watching her play, the curiosity and discovery, testing out limitsOK, that last part isn't always so fun, but sometimes when she is infuriating, she is just so darn cute.You can't help but to smile or laugh, of course I swear I always keep a strait face when I tell her no.But really, who could ever say no to this face, she just makes you want to smile back and give her a big kiss.The best is when she wraps her little arms around my neck for a big hug! I love it.And there you have it, another day in the life of Holly.

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