Day 3 Sunday 7/20
Holly has been pretty fussy today again, but I don't think it can be the minocycline already. Mom slept in today. This afternoon I read Holly two stories, she was very attentive for the first one, and also paid attention during the second one but began to get antsy. She played in Ocean time, and played on her mat. She ate 80 cc of Formula at 6:00 and was very very tired. We kept her awake until 7:00 playing music, singing songs, and daddy told her another two stories. She took another 12.5 dose of minocycline mixed with 2.5 ml of water. at 7:00. She was overly tired and this point and did not want to go to sleep. When playing with dad today she was somber, and concentrating. She grabbed the tongue of her Caterpillar friend, and was looking at and grabbing her feet a lot. She was not as smiley as she normally is, but did turn to my voice, and smile a few times today. She watched me work as she fell asleep and gazed into my eyes when I looked at her. When I turned away she seemed to be upset. Today she did not seem to be teething.
So go figure, what do I know... Around 7:30 I take Holly to try and get her down for a nap and she is ever so playful. We play peek a boo, and she grins and laughs, she tries to crawl over my shoulder and is very talkative, with her squawking, she is not at all tired but she is very chompy as she decides to chew on my finger, and as she chomps them, she finds this to be very amusing and is grinning and giggling with my knuckle firmly secured in her mouth. It was hilarious. Around 8:30 I fed her some more, as she was getting hungry by then, and she went to bed around 9:00. She was a lot of fun however and seemed to be much more like herself and very cute and playful. I think she just missed momma, as I was busy all day doing paperwork and spent little time with her she played with Daddy most of the day.
Day 4 Monday 7/21
Today was a good day. Katie Holly's OT came at 3:00 and we gave holly some chewy tubes to play with. She was extending her elbows and reaching for Katie's hair, the chewy tube, and other toys, particularly a yellow musical sun. She did many stretches, and was trying to push back when sitting, so we practiced relaxing forward and reaching forward. We did arm stretches above her head and too the side, Katie noted she seemed tighter in the left, and has a tendency to chew that hand more, in a fist. So I will keep an eye on this. Prior to Katie coming we did a leg and chest massage and had singing games. We also did some tummy time, 3-4 times and holly rolled over after looking for a few moments at a toy. She did a little more tummy time with Katie, but worked more on the sitting and stretching, and reaching and holding and grasping. Holly really likes the chewy tube and munched it a lot. She also played peek a boo with Katie and giggled. I have also observed at times when I massage and stretch her chest muscles she laughs, so I will look to see if this is because It feels good, or because It tickles. Katie says if she is bringing herself in, like a baby crunches then it is probably tickling.
I have noticed that Holly has been a little bit more "whiny" then usual and fussy, but not enough so that I am worried yet. According to Joel she was very playful in the morning, and she took a long nap with momma as usual from 10-12. She also had a very good poopie diaper this morning, that was not watery as it had been. Although she didn't have one yesterday.
Holly had BM at 6:45 and the minocycline at 8:00 ish. I broke it into 3rds this time (new pill) so the dose was about 17. However the first dose I mixed in one of those medicine bottles and put 1.5 of water in it, the dropper amount I was using was equivalent to .5 It worked good at first, she sucked some of it, maybe a 3rd down but I guess it taste bad and she spit the whole thing up including some stomach contents. So I dumped that batch thinking it must be too much water, and mixed a 2nd 3rd in the dropper again in 2ml of water. She mostly drank it, but still spit some up, I put a pinch of sugar in in hopes that it would make it taste a little better. I am worried she may not be getting barely any at all, since we can't mix it with her formula or breast milk, she has to drink it strait and it tastes bad. She is too little for juice or something like that. I am going to call Mary Jones tomorrow and see if she has any suggestions on administration. It is 9:00 now, she seems a little hungry but she is also very tired, so if she falls asleep it would be better, less proximity for the milk.
Tonight she is very interested in faces, she is grabbing my nose and feeling my mouth and cheeks. She played in ocean time and was very active She is grabbing the toys and bringing them to her mouth, she kicks and shakes the whole thing. We took a short video of this. She is turning side to side and reaching. We also did some more tummy time.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
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