Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lucian's House

Daredevil in a pink silky dress, down the slide she goes... Head First. Then it is off to play Hide and Seek. She loved looking out this front window.

Here she is with Tracey, Lucian's Mommy. We have recently been reconnecting with our good friends.
Mom had been working on finishing a thesis which took up a lot of free time, but now its done and we are up for lots of playing.

On this particular day it was over the Holiday Break when both Daddies had time off of work and could also hang out.
Our friends had moved to a new Apartment which we were super excited to see. It is really nice.
Holly loved playing with the slide at Lucian's house, another friend with an indoor slide.
The kids sit down together to eat a snack. It was really fun seeing Holly and Lucian playing together.
Holly was truly taking the opportunity to assert herself, which she doesn't get to do often. Most of her friends have big personalities ;-)
It was neat to see her initiate some games and play chase with Lucian.
She also really liked checking out all of his fun toys.

Always the funnest part of getting to play at someone else's house. Well that and not having to spend the next two days cleaning up.
Now that we have started school, it is amazing how little time I have to do stuff
But I do want to make a trip to the Exploratorium, California Academy of Science, and Golden gate Park Playground. All favorites of ours.
Meeting in the city I think makes it a little easier for our friends to coordinate so they don't have to come over the bridge
The kids got along really well, the last few times we saw each other they didn't get to actually play.
Seems like they got along so well, Lucian was ready to make his move, but it seems Holly beat him to the punch.

1 comment:

Granny said...

I see Tracy's sister is visiting! Lucien is so big, and still has that impressive hair. He's a cutey! I love seeing the two of them together!
Love, Granny