Sunday, October 31, 2010


It’s NanoWrimo time. It has been 4 years since I have last completed a Nano novel. I think getting pregnant and having a baby had a little something to do with that. Before that, I had completed two Novels. Now my Daughter is 2 years 7 Months old and after Joel, the Husband, asking that I participate - to provide support and help him actually complete - for the last two years running. So this year, I decided to take the plunge. This year however my Novel will be a little non-traditional. It is a story, a live memoir so to speak, it will be a daily account of the life of Holly my daughter, in her precocious two year old voice. It should be funny, it should help me to step into her shoes and reflect, it should be a chance to document the life of a two year old, I will be posting it hear, day by day… Assuming I write every day as I should, each day 1666 words at least, so that I make the goal of 50,000 by the end of the month. I won’t include pictures, as that is too much work (the layout part) but I will have other picture posts throughout the month. So I hope you enjoy the stories!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Duck Pond

Near Isabel's place is this cool little beach, next to a lake.It was in a large regional park so we decided to take the girls to play.They really liked the dirt, mud, sand and water.Just having a huge field to run around to, on the way to the water was fun.They didn't go into the water though, it wasn't that clean.There were hundred's of ducks that called it home.Isabel was nice enough to wade in and fill the buckets with water for the girls to play with.It was such a lovely day, with a warm summer breeze.Katherine is a well prepared MommySo she had with her a blanket we could all sit on while we watched the girls playThey had a lot of fun and we took so many cute pictures of them.Holly really liked this wagon, sometimes it is hard for the girls to shareBut they were really good about taking turnsWe had enough buckets and shovels so that wasn't an issue.But the wagon was a coveted prize.I was really proud of myself, as I let Holly get as dirty as she wanted to get.Sometimes I get a bit uptight about messes and dirt, but philosophically I know she needs them.That's what Daddys are for :-)After a while the ducks came to play.The girls were so excitedIf I recall correctly Isabel had some bread to feed them.The girls enjoyed grabbing the crumbs and throwing them.Some seagulls joined in on the mealThere were geese too thoughApparently they can be rather aggressiveBefore we knew it, the birds took over the coast line.And when we ran out of bread, they didn't want to take no for an answerSo we decided it was time to pack up and head outThe last thing we wanted was for it to turn into Hitchcock's Birds!

Friday, October 29, 2010