It's Father's Day today. I am hoping for a relaxed afternoon.

We have plans to head over to Chloe's for a BBQ with Chloe and Sarah in the afternoon.

The morning will consist of Daddy and Holly time

Holly made a present for daddy and we have a project to work on today

I think Joel will enjoy doing it with Holly.

I wish the weekends were longer and the weeks shorter

The Holly and Daddy could spend more time together, they have so much fun playing.

Its nice to have Joel home during the day. I look forward to the upcoming Holiday and a day off.

These are some pictures from an impromptu playdate at the Public market.

Holly, Sarah and Chloe were out at the park and it ended up being dinner time.

We all decided to head over to Public market and Eat.

Richard and Joel joined us after they got off of work. But Eric wasn't able to make it.

The girls loved playing in the ball pit, Chloe and Sarah were a little scared at first

But once they saw Holly they wanted to jump in and play too.

This bus was so cute, it is technically a two seater

But our three Bambino's squeezed in together and Holly took the back seat.

She is surprisingly laid back when it comes to Sarah and Chloe and sharing

She has said Sarah three or four times now, and she say's CoCo for Chloe, quite a bit now.

I think once she made an actual approximation of Chloe, but the CoCo is much clearer,

And it is a nick name that her parent's gave her. I think originally it was to be CC for her two initials.

But that didn't really fit her, I think CoCo is very cute.

After riding the Merry Go Round, the girls finished playing and we finished eating.

We headed over to the bookstore and browsed. They were having a super sale

Katherine and I were bad influences on each other and ended up buying too many books.

But the girls love them so, and well it's hard to pass up such a great deal.