4 Year's ago today was Holly's Due Date - Luckily she was 11 Day's Late and her Birthday didn't fall on the day that only comes once every four years. But thinking back to this being my last day of work, and where we were at waiting for our baby to come four years ago, and the fact that Joel's Brother Alan is in that very same situation today, waiting for his baby girl due on March 14th, it is hard to believe the time that has flown by and the little girl Holly has become. I plan on writing yet another post about all of this for Holly's birthday, but with out of town visitors and a big party to plan I wanted to acknowledge some of that now too. it has been quite a journey, just thinking back a year ago she has come so far I can't imagine her as that little 8lb baby any more, though she still reminds me that she is not a big girl yet she is still Mommies baby and in truth she will always be. (Right Mom ;-)
The ultrasound scans are from 28 and 33 weeks old and the picture of me is actually from February 29th 2008 when I went in to do Fetal Heart Monitoring on my Due Date. I still have that Sharfenberger bag for Carrying my knitting, though I have since retired that Sigg Bottle for a new less dented one.
I also want to note that in this second picture of Holly she is holding her toes and sleeping, she still tries to sleep in this exact position, though now she takes the corner of her blanket and wraps it around her toes, I wonder if she did that with the umbilical cord in the womb, its funny how much of there personality they have already before they are born but of course how much they change so quickly too.