Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Locks of Love

About three months ago a few of us Mommies got together and cut our hair.Teagan Rhonda's daughter actually had 10 inches to cut off.Kathy, Chloe's mom cut the most with about 17 inches.Rhonda and I each cut about 13 inches off.We donated all of the hair to Locks of LoveAn Organization that makes wigs for children with cancer.Here is Rhonda with her new hair cut.At first I was not happy with my hairIt was shorter then I had wanted and took a lot to get used to.But after washing it a few times, I got used to it and it was fine. I could still put it back so it wasn't really that different.It was the first time I had cut my hair in like 10 years. It looks much healthier, I hope it grows back quickly.


Anonymous said...

That is such a cool thoughtful thing for your group to do. You have really wonderful friends (and you are really wonderful!).
Love, Granny
PS I love the photo of all the cut off ponytails!

Umma said...

Good for you!

I've done this twice now, it is a huge change and I've cried both times! It's a good deed though, which makes it easier :-)