Last time my parent's came to visit it was for my sister's Birthday

While they were in town we met some friends at the Oakland Food Festival

It was full of the food trucks all kinds and super fancy I guess its a thing now.

They also had live music was was pretty cool

Holly enjoyed that and of course being out of the house.

Of course her shoes came right off luckily the stone wasn't too hot.

She was especially excited to see Chloe, since we had my parents it had been a few days.

She found some older kids to play with and of course decided to elicit a game of chase

She loves running around and the music just game the best backdrop

We hung out and played while the rest of the grown-up went to check out the food

I love this little outfit, Opa picked it out and brought it for Holly, the pick check pants were great.

After Chloe took off we went to get some food too.

This was a tent with a huge piaya it was gigantic and looked super tasty

So as we were walking around the festival we came across this silver guy

Holly was terrified of him and would not get close at all, I thought he was cool though.

Here is the family at the farm, I love these little goofy head pictures.

So this is the line for the Korean BBQ Truck, they had BBQ Taco's and Spicy Pork stuff, it was so so good.

There wasn't a lot of stuff for Holly to eat however, but she had fun walking around

In addition to the food trucks there was also a farmer's market

It wasn't as crowded in there so Holly was able to run around which she liked.

The festival was at Jack London Square it is was a beautiful warm but breezy day

There were several local Honey makers which was awesome, one had a hive with them.

We got some Honey, it was so good and local honey is wonderful for allergy immunity

On our way out we ran into a group of Goats

Yes, you read me right goats. I don't even remember why they were there but there were even babies.

That perked Holly right up she was super interested, but she wasn't really allowed to pet them.

It was a really fun day out, it was great to have my parent's visiting and a festival is always fun.

Its neat how the food trucks are so popular now.