We made it back to the park in time for the 6:30 Parade. We got a shower to cool off

and both girls got a nap. They were well rested and I was hopeful

Holly was a little anxious and nervous, but I told her she was going to get to see the princesses

The Parade Started with some drummers, I thought Holly would like them, and we were outside

But they were really loud and she did not like them at all and got upset

I was able to briefly calm her down when the Mickey and Minnie Float came out but it was short lived

We were at the start of the parade and the first people to see it as it came out into Main Street

The problem was that the very loud musical float stopped right in front of us. Holly was crying but she did not want to go.

She was intrigued and really just didn't like the noise of it all, but she wanted to see what was coming next

She was happy to see Pluto, but eager for Mickey and his drums to leave

Once they did she calmed down a little bit and she had a better understanding of what a parade was

She liked seeing goofy but as he got close she wanted to hide

I hugged her tight and let her cover he head with Blankie but she wanted to peak out and see what was next.

The Aladdin float was up next and she thought the dancers were Princess Jasmine so I did not dissuade her from that belief and she was very excited

She was almost amused by the loud clapping monkey

But much more intrigued with the dancing fish and anticipating who she would see next

She was thrilled to see Ariel and was very wiggly. She was still in my lap and needed reassurance

I had to whisper in her ear and talk her through the parade describing each item

Pointing out the octopus, which is one of her favorite silly animals right now

Made her super giggle and made it all seem a little less scary

and of course as soon as she recognised someone she was shouting their name

Next came Sebastian

and she was actually excited to see Donald and he wasn't too super loud either

She liked his Fiesta Dancers

and he was super cute in his hat. As we got further along she got more confident

But she was still very agitated and needed deep pressure and soothing voice

Finally the princess came and that was the pinnacle of the show

The dancing ladies in waiting came first

Then she saw Rapunzel's tower

She was so excited to see Snow White

She had learned Sleeping Beauty's name was Aurora

By this point she was jumping up and down with excitement

Rapunzel was beautiful, her hair was braided like it is at the end of tangled

The on the other side of the float were even more princesses

Next was Belle in her beautiful gown

And Cinderella. The girls were Star Stuck.

I think from this point on she was actually enjoying herself.

She pointed at the monkey s and made "oo Oo Ah Ah" sounds at them

Then she said, "look Mommy, Lion." I told her his name was Mufasa

Though now that I think about it, this might not be the dad.

She super liked these Giraffe Elk characters, so tall on stilts, they were super neat, but she was still eying the princesses.

Next there were beautiful "butterflies" according to Holly

then she flipped out to see Tiana, this was actually our first and only time to see her during the trip

I hadn't realized how much Holly actually liked her, and she asked about her several times for days to come.

Though, Princess and the Frog was in fact her first princess Movie, I never thought she really liked it.

But she was so happy to See Tiana, and it was like a special thing since she hadn't seen her yet.

She even liked the Alligator

And pointed out that he was playing a trumpet like in teacher Jon's class

Next was Peter Pan, which Holly was not impressed with, but that's because she didn't make the connection

She didn't know who is Peter Pan's friend

Chloe was super excited that he came right up to her and said hello.

Holly saw Captian hook and the butterflies

But then the true moment of Truth was when she noticed Tinkerbell

Now that was truely the highligh of the parade.

Tinkerbell literally blew a kiss right to Holly and her smile was so big.

At this point she could hardly contain herself

and I had to make sure she didn't run after Tinkerbell.

She wanted to turn around and watch as she went around the town circle to the other side

The Final group was Mary Poppins, the Chimney Sweeps did a neat little dance,

and she was riding a Carousel horse, but it was lost on Holly still basking int he glory of her favorite Fairy.
1 comment:
This is such a special time of life, to be into princesses! Good for you Vicki for helping Holly adjust and not just leaving! Worth it! love, Granny
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