Here we are at California Adventure, a new to us Disney Park. We were excited to explore

This is the California Zephyr. Joel took these pics for my dad, who loves this train

It was neat to see what was part of the "California" adventure.

This was a really cool Tron exhibit. When we first arrived we headed to the Back lot

The park seemed like a combination of MGM, and something else, it had a lot more

When we arrived we sent the dads to get tickets for World of Color, the evening show

And we headed to meet some secret characters. This was the Monster's Inc ride

We rode it later and Holly actually really enjoyed it, looking for Baby Boo

Here the girls are waiting for our Exclusive Card member Meet and greet (from Kathy)

We didn't know who we would meet, but there were only a few people in line and we were excited

Then we went around the corner and saw Chip and Dale!

They had on cute matching purple hats

The girls gave then both big hugs and had a lot of smiles

In California Adventure there was a parade, we ended up missing it

Holly didn't want to go over and see it, but Daddy took a few pictures of it as it left

Holly saw the monster's in the distance but the music was really loud and it was a big crowd

Here is Joel at Flynn's Arcade, the home of Tron

We were on our way to the Princess lunch and exploring the park

We ran into Goofy, which was exciting

There was a really neat dancing show going on. Holly was curious and ran up to it and then away

In the distance was the Tower of Terror, which we did not ride.

This is a cool backdrop cityscape that shows a forced distance perspective

And a famous old Hollywood theatre, later Chloe went here to see the Aladdin show.
1 comment:
I feel like I was there! Your descriptions and pictures are so great!
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