It's a Princess Tea Party!

We are over at Chloe's house on her actually Birthday

She had a party planned the weekend before, but it rained and was rescheduled

Not wanting to do nothing for her actual birthday Kathy planned a super small get together

Everyone dressed up in Princess dresses, I love Sara as Rapunzel

They everyone sat and had tea

It was really cute, Holly is wearing her favorite princess dress

Here is Satine she is wearing a Cinderella dress

That's a pretty amazing crown.

I am so impressed with Holly's drinking ability

I think she is taking notes from Lizzy and Tinkerbell

She sipped from the little tea cup like a champ

After snacks there was of course a costume change

Tinkerbell was next

Also at the party was Kaylee

Next Chloe changed her dress. this is her Birthday Gown

LeeLou was there too in an amazing Jasmin outfit

Satine was next to make a Costume change into Minnie Mouse

Here is Chloe's Birthday Cake

Everyone was waiting as patient as a toddler can wait

Mira even put a crown on for the occasion

Here is Chloe blowing out her candles

She loves her princess cake

Belle twirling and dancing

Here Holly is helping Chloe blow out the candles

Eric was home for the afternoon to celebrate with us

But it was all Mommies at the mini party, a regular Tuesday afternoon lunch play date

Here Kaylee took a turn in the Rapunzel dress

Here is Brendan, our little prince

The girls all decided to play outside

They went on the swings

and climber into the sandbox

and took a ride in the wagon

Lets see this is costume change number five or six

Holly is such a little fashionista always changing her cloths

Here are some lovely princess balloons, It was a very fun Princess Tea Party and a month later we went to Chloe's Big Birthday party, more on that to follow soon.
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