Happy Birthday Citlali!

Here we are at your 3rd Birthday Party

We feel so lucky to be your friend and to celebrate with you and your family

Here is your little brother Santiago

and some of our friends from Small voices

Olivia and her older sister

Your party was at De Valle Regional Park in Livermore

It is really far away, about an hour

But it is a wonderful park.

There is a huge lake with a beach

We loved digging in the stones and playing near the water

It was a cool and windy day, so we could not go swimming

But it was nice, and we still had fun throwing stones into the water

and taking a walk along the shore.

You had your party here last year

But it was on the other side of the lake. It was nice to come back again.

Holly really wanted to go into the water and even took her shoes off

But I had to tell her know and keep a close eye on her

She has her chewy tube, we have since lost it. I wish we could find another like it.

She likes to always be chewing on something especially in new places

It was nice to see Olivia too, we hadn't seen her since Holly's Birthday because we changed schools

And here she goes into the water.

Off came her skirt and she was wading in ankle deep

She purposefully threw something into the water that she "needed" to go and get

She is such a bad influence too, everyone wanted to go in after they saw her do it.

But I was the only Mommy who said it was ok.

It was cold, but she never feels cold and her body was warm even in the cold water.

Plus it made her so happy to splash around a bit.

Next it was time for the entertainment

This year your Mommy had a Music Show

I was worried that Holly would be too scared to watch and listen

Then I was worried she would be too antsy to sit still and participate

But she never ceases to amaze me.

She loved it and she sang and engaged in every song

I was so impressed.

This is Marisol singing and playing guitar

She sings songs in both English and Spanish

We have seen her before at Studio Grow

But at those shows Holly never stays in the room for more then 2-3 minutes.

Here Marisol is reading / Singing Brown Bear

And here is another song where you guys have to move around.

You were both doing such a great job of following directions

Everyone was having fun dancing around

You have on a beautiful Blue Tutu

Holly had on a pink skirt

Here everyone falls down and goes to sleep.

It was a lot of fun.

We love the guitar and the music

You are such a great dancer too

Look at how much everyone in paying attention

In my world thats not a regular thing.

Next we got to do De Coloras and play with Scarves

That one is a lot of fun to sing and spin too

Holly loves to play Ballerina and twirl

and it was fun to put the scarves on our head and look through the tinted colors

Such silly girls

I think part of the reason Holly liked it so much

was because the show was out in the open air

On the grass in the middle of a field, with no stage

Next we got to play parachut

Everyone got to make waves

and then we all ran into the middle

It was a big Ocean

then everyone went to sleep for another soothing song

It is fun to roll on the parachute

afterwards we all got to hid underneith

Marisol had a drum and we sang some more

later we had a Pinata

It was a pretty pink star.

Everyone got a turn to try and whack it open

The little kids got to go first

Then we all got some candy. Holly here has her first ever lollipop

Soon it was time for cake.

Your Birthday was Dora Themed and you had Chocolate and Vanilla

Here are the candles for you to blow out.

Everyone sang to you

and then you got to even cut the first piece all by yourself

It was so much fun

you even got to lick some frosting with your fingers.

There were yummy strawberries inside your cake


Holly had such a wonderful time.

Later we walked back down to the beach

We did some climbing

I forgot to mention the yummy food when we first arrived

Delisious pork and chicken and beans and rice

It was a wonderful party and though it was a little chilly, we love that kind of weather

Before we left we walked down the beach to the boat shop

Holly discovered the kayak's

Maybe when Holly's granny comes to visit we will go on a boat ride

But of course she will have to wear her life jacket.
1 comment:
I love the idea of returning there and maybe boating when I'm there....SOON! Looks like such a fun party! I am amazed at how elaborate the birthday parties are. I think Holly's music classes are giving her longer attention span for music!
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