As it turns out, our nap was further delayed by an amazing game of Musical Chairs

While walking down Main Street we stumbled upon Alice at a little Ice Cream shop

The girls ran over to get autographs but then discovered she wasn't giving them, instead she was trying to get kids to play Musical Chairs with her. Chloe was too shy but Holly volunteered

We had recently played a few times at Birthday Parties, but Holly didn't quite get the rules. She understands that you have to walk when the music is going and sit when it stops The game started with eight though and she got really far.

She however at first tried to go back to her original seat rather then whichever seat was right in front of her. Alice was super sweet and let Holly take her seat once so she could keep playing
But for the first several rounds (one was a practice) she totally was getting it all on her own. That said, other then Alice she was almost the star of the show, she kept doing cute things that the Mad Hatter would make a total riot of.

Like after each round when they would remove a chair, she would try to remove her chair too. She got down to there only being her and four other little girls, but to make it tricky they did funny things with the chairs like separate them. and rather then go in a circle they had to weave through the chairs and follow Alice

Once she had to sit in the chair in the sun so she kept getting up before she was supposed to, because she was so hot, which the Hatter would point out. And as he heard me call her Holly, he started to say little things to her too which were hilarious.

After each person lost there seat they "won" the game and had to go up on stage and either show a talent or give a riddle. So there was a bit of a wait between each round as the kids got to "preform"

Then of course Alice and the Hatter did all kinds of silly things to make the game crazy and tricky. They did little dances and talked in riddles it was very amusing for all ages, and I felt like I was at the Tea Party

It got down to only three older girls and one lost and her talent was playing piano. She was like a prodigy or something and played Fur Elise, but kept doing these solo's and overtures and just when we were ready to applaud she would go back into the main refrain and seem to start over again.

But no one wanted to stop her because she was so good, but she played forever. It was hilarious. Holly had so much fun playing with Alice, and then when the game was over she and Chloe took a picture and got a signature. It was one of those lucky surprise moments.
1 comment:
It was truly a visit to the MAGIC Kingdom, as magical things like this happen!
Love, Granny
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