So on the morning of the second day we headed to the park bright and early.

We saw one of the bands and we saw Goofy. Holly really wanted to meet him, but the line was closed.

She got very upset and headed into the Lincoln Museum as a distraction, it was an Art gallery of sorts.

After she calmed down she got a chance to meet Donald Duck, whom she liked way better

The park was filled with friends at this time of day on main Street

But we had a breakfast date to keep with Minnie Mouse, so we headed over to the Plaza Inn

Chloe had arrived just moments before and we found ourselves a table on the patio

Holly was super excited to meet Minnie

and before we even thought about getting our food, Characters were coming to greet us.

Holly loves Pirates, and Captain Hook was no exception.

Then suddenly Tiger appeared and that was super exciting.

We met Both Chip and Dale

And Holly was fast becoming quite the expert on the routine.

First they get her book and they sign it for her.

Then she gives them a hug.

Next she poses for a picture, "Apple Pie"

And if we are especially lucky she might get to give them a kiss, or sit on there lap

I never made it to the buffet, but Joel brought me a hand made Omelet with Ham and Cheese

It was technically a "late breakfast" our reservation was at 10:30

So the restaurant was only half full. This gave everyone a ton of time to spend with us,

and they came back several times to play, which was super nice.

This is max, Goofy's son. Since he looks just like Goofy it made up for not meeting "dad" earlier.

I was super excited about Eeyore, Growing up he was a favorite of mine.

The girls wanted to know why he wasn't smiling and tried to tickle him.

But afterwards Chloe said poor Eeyore is still sad. I told Holly he was Happy to just be noticed

He especially liked his hug.

I was so proud of Holly, not being scared of all of the characters, even ones she didn't know before

Tiger was especially bounce and he snuck up on us several times.

Here is is giving Tita Kathy a tickle, and Mommy a hug

He was very bouncy and Holly played with him a bunch.

This is a Video of Holly and tiger bouncing together:
The food was really good, there was yummy bread and biscuits and cheese and fruit

It was hard to actually get the girls to eat anything and at every turn a new friend came to play

Another thing I thought about was the autograph books.

Before this trip to Disney I always thought they were kind of silly and didn't get it.

But now I realize what a brilliant idea they are. Especially for a kid like Holly.

The book gives them a goal, a routine, a purpose, a reason to be brave and interact with the character.

Its the ice breaker, and then they feel comfortable and can interact.

This is the Fairy Godmother, one of Chloe's favorite Characters.

Holly was simply soaking it all in, meeting each new person, and then later pointing them out and telling us there name.

She remembered and learned each one and was excited as she saw them again later

I think at this breakfast we met a total of 8 new friends.

It was super exciting. Here Chloe gets a chance to meet Captain Hook

But she was a little scared of him.

Winnie the Pooh came by again and this time Holly got to kiss his nose.

It was nice whent hey came around a second time, we didn't worry about the books

and we could take some more candid shots

Minnie the host was super popular so our time with her was limited

But we did get to see her once more before leaving.

The girls each wanted to give her a hug

they wanted to know where Mickey wastoo. We told them in toon town

Holly knew Minnie so it was extra special

she asked if she could give her a kiss too

and so she did! I love this picture.

It was all happening so fast it was hard to coordinate eating, signing, and pictures

But I was able to get a few video's with my phone too.

Tiger came by a last time to say goodbye

He pounced with the girls which they thought was so much fun

Holly and he crawledand played and we got a picture with the dads

Tiger is definately a rough and tumble kind of guy, so fun.

We also learned how to tell Chip and Dale apart which is hard to do when they are not together.

Its there nose and teeth. One Black the other brown, Big and Small and together and apart

Breakfast was long, and though it was fun Holly was ready to go.

I barely got to eat the first 45 minutes so I finished up my food while they played

But Tiger wanted to give me a hug goodbye

Outside Holly picked leaves and Rafiki came to help her.

Aren't they all such cute little monkeys
1 comment:
Great photos! I feel like I was there! I love the photo of Holly kissing Minnie's nose! So CUTE! And I love the bouncy video! Chloe's hat is SO adorable! She was cuter than the characters!
Love, Granny
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