As we leave tomorrowland we stumble on Princess Fantasy Faire

We aren't sure what is going on but the girls run in and right onto the "stage"

We find out in just ten minutes time an interactive show is going to start

And the long line we just passed was not in fact for this but something else.

Holly was very hesitant at first the sight of the stage scared her, so we went and sat on a bench

But when she saw Chloe was playing she wanted to go down to, doing so herself, on her terms made all the difference.

The girls found this royal throne and waisted no time in finding a seat

They played in the flowers,and explored the entire theatre

They did there ballerina dances and twirled across the floor

Here was lady Ginnifer one of the Princess's in court

Soon they would be teaching the children all about how to dance and bow and curtsy

The best part was that it was a show that Holly could go anywhere she wanted and still see and be a part of.

We were very excited for it to start. There were some nervous moments

Chloe wanted to sit right out front. Holly stayed on the side at first, the throne, then the stairs

She listened and watched and was almost ready to go, but then the trumpet sounded

and the first princess was Announce, Welcome Snow White

Welcome Aurora, and Welcome to Cinderella. She was sold

and off she went to get as close as she could to the princesses

It was a Royal Coronation and everyone did a little coordinated dance together

Holly was awe struck, three of her favorites only a few feet away and her first look at these

Then the Ladies in Waiting brought out some may poles with ribbons

One for each princess, and every child was to take a ribbon and they all together danced

In a circle around the may Pole, Holly got to dance with Snow White and Chloe had Cinderella

Later they went back up to the stage. For the Finale there was confetti, it made a loud pop

Holly was a little scared, but she survived, really she just stayed in focus

The princesses were saying goodbye and slowly leaving

Holly didn't want to let them go and she even tried to climb up onto the stage to join them before they left. She really enjoyed it.
1 comment:
This is wonderful! This is a big milestone for Holly to not be afraid of a show like this! How awesome! love, Granny
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