We decided to skip the most recent session of music class.

So we really miss all of our friends.

There were two problems though

The first was that several of our friends moved to the Monday morning class.

Mira, Leelou, Brendan, Chloe to name a few

We considered moving but the class is at 10:45 which is when we have Speech Therapy

The Speech Therapist can't really come at a different time,

At least not one that is very convenient for us. She has some afternoons open

But that's not a great time.

The second issue is that on most days Holly is now taking a nap from 4:00-6:00

Which is right when the Tuesday afternoon class is held.

We could try and skip her nap on those days but she gets really cranky

And then taking an early nap is really hard to do and always a battle

We Rush back home afterwards to have Holly's OT at 6:00 with Sarah

So it was a lot of work to wake Holly after only a 30 minute nap (if I was lucky)

Rush to class, and then right back home, in early rush hour, hitting tons of traffic both ways.

Anyway, I decided to simplify my life and skip it for this session.

But we also miss the class itself, not just our friends.

Holly really enjoys it and I feel like she has grown up so much and learned a lot there.

She loves to play with the instruments, and she is learning to listen to the songs.

She knows hand gestures for so many of them and pays a lot of attention

She even dances and has favorite songs

She is learning to March and she even does the Hokie pokie

Which is simply adorable to watch.

The girls were also fascinated on this day with Jake's little sister

Isabella was so sweet and so teeny tiny

I can't wait to see her again. Kristen her Mommy skipped music class over the summer.

Jake was also in Swim and Gym with us, which was also in hiatus over the summer,

So it has been months since we have seen them.

Swim and Gym has been back in session for 3 weeks now and they haven't come.

I hope to see them tomorrow. We have also been trying to get together with our other Music class friends.

Those play dates have been a lot of fun.

The jury is still out as to whether or not we will sign back up for class in November.

We could go go back to Tuesdays just so we don't miss out on the experiences

Or we could turn everything upside down with our schedule and try and go Mondays

And be with our friends! Ahh the dilemma, at least I have some time to figure it out.
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