There is a new room at Superfranks that is Super fun!

Its all black lights and day glow, they call it the fish tank.

We love it! I like that it is not so bright yet it is super colorful.

There were so many things to do and play with.

Tricycles to ride, balls to kick, Balloons to hold.

Holly's outfit matched perfectly, the blue serene like water.

The white and yellow glowing

Here the girls are waiting to go down the big slide.

They climbed up all on there own, which is amazing.

On this day we had the Daddies with us, which is such a special treat.

There was this cool foam pit in the new room, like head over heels but not as deep.

There were these giant bouncy donuts float in the foam sea that you could jump on.

You could even jump into the foam, which Holly did.

Sometimes she got stuck, and then she was not a fan of the idea, but mostly she liked it.

She also loved spinning on the sit and spin. She has this at hoe, left by the therapist.

She can spin herself really fast which is a ton of fun, it worked well on the slick floors.

I am surprised that she doesn't feel dizzy after the spinning.

There is also a beach area, designed to fit with the underwater and fish theme.

Here the floor is bright white like fine sand. Holly likes to climb into the empty sand tables.

She does this on her table at home too, which Mommy doesn't like.

I love these sea turtles, the murals in this room are just beautiful.

There are beach balls and riding cars and so many fun things to play with.

Here Chloe is riding a hot wheels with a little left from her Daddy.

The girls like to take daddy and bring him around the room telling him what to do.

They can both be rather bossy, sit here, come over hear, help with this or that. The daddies love it.

Here Daddy is helping Holly work on a craft project downstairs.

A cool butterfly that she is coloring and putting stickers on.

She is making it for Mommy and having daddy help her design it.

But then there was something Mommy had to do, so I helped her too.

We all decided to have an early dinner. Yummy Pizza.

The food here is actually pretty good for being a kids play space.

The girls headed back to the bouncy slide and Holly decided to invent a new game.

She would bounce along the slanted edge of the slide a few times, and then leap out towards Mommy.

After without warning, I guess she just assumed I would be there to catch her, and I was.

It is amazing to watch Chloe and Holly play together. They can do it for hours longer then they can play on there own.

Really they never get enough, at least Holly anyways. Even after a long day,

We get to the car and she already starts to ask for "Coco!"
1 comment:
Looks like of like the 60s...things have a way of cycling back around. Looks like loads of fun!Holly is such a waterbug, even when it's not real water!!!
Love, Granny
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