A few weeks ago Sue invited us over to a play date

Little Gabe was missing all of his friends and us Mommies were eager to see his new sister.

He was so happy and excited to have everyone over.

Sue was not quite up to venturing out with both kids yet

So we were all more then happy to come over and play.

Here is Elena, Gabe's new baby sister, I think she is about 5 weeks old here.

She is so teeny tiny it is hard to believe.

And the handsome big brother is adjusting well

We were so impressed with his Mommy too, I think you just find "more" when you have two.

Little Holly was pretending she was still a baby, sitting in Elena's swing.

We had fun playing with our friend's Eli and Mira too.

Leelou, also came to play. All of the kids were very curious about the baby.

I even got to hold her, which was weird, she was so light and fragile

I forgot Holly was every that small and helpless.

We have been meeting several new siblings in the last few months.

Holly really likes the babies and I think she is understanding she was a baby once.

She loves looking at her Baby pictures and will point at Mommy and Baby Holly.

So the first step is understanding she was once a baby, but she takes it a step further.

Now she climbs in my arms and says, "Mommies baby, Me Mommies baby"

I tell her, yes honey, you are Mommies baby.

And she just gives me more hugs and kisses.

I think all of the kids are a little more cuddle needy as they are seeing the new babies.

They have to establish a hierarchy of course. Make sure those little ones know there place.

It was a lot of fun playing with Gabe and seeing the baby again.

I am hearing how hard the first several months are, sleep deprivation and a toddler don't mix well.

But everyone adapts. In some ways I think it is good, as the older sibling is forced to be a little more grown up.

When you are tired sometimes a toddler can't just be a baby anymore.
1 comment:
As hard as it is adjusting to having the second baby, I still find most people find it WAY easier than the adjustment to the first baby...such a major life change. With the second baby you are accustomed to not having a life of your own. Elena is a cutie. I'm glad Holly likes babies. I hope she has a sibling of her own one of these days!
Love, Granny
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