Holly went on her first school field trip

Her Small Voices class met at Tilden Little Farm a few months back

We all met over at the playground while waiting for all of the kids and there families to arrive.

Here is Citali, one of Holly's very good friends

She is is both school and swim and gym with us.

Holly was excited about the sand box and was quick to pick up some of the toys left there.

But even more exciting was the water fountain.

The kids tried to get a game of baseball going

Holly chasing after the ball and throwing it. Citlali trying to swing the bat.

They were not that successful, but it was super cute to watch.

Here is Karen, Citlali's mommy, she was still pregnant.

Now they have a bouncing baby boy Santiago who is about 8 weeks old.

The trip was right before Tanta Kat started her job so she was able to come with us.

The first thing we saw were the little ducklings Holly loved these.

We have been to little farm a few times now, and this is the first time we saw bunnies.

Holly liked these too, but she couldn't feed them so we moved on.

I think the goats were one of her favorite.

They totally made her crack up as they all fought to snag the celery.

She even teased them pretending to take a bite herself.

We cut the celery up into these perfect little sticks, that made it last the entire visit.

Check out those crazy goat eyes, how could you not crack up.

She really liked the piggy too. She knew the mommy and the babies.

And check out the turkey he is huge.

The fowls didn't much like the sticks of celery though

So she lost interest and headed back to the goats.

It is amazing how brave she is feeding them now

Just a few months back she was terrified.

But she is totally into animals and the ones on the farm are the ones she knows the best.

Its kind of weird how we teach our kids about farm animals,

when most of them will never set foot on an actual farm

here she is with the "ba ba" she knows what all the animals say too.

I remember when our friend Miriam was this age and Holly was a little baby not even walking yet.

Her mom was asking her what all of the animals said and she knew. I was in total awe

And truth be told, a part of me wondered if Holly would be able to do that at the same age.

I had my doubts, but here she is at a farm, knowing the names of the animals and the sounds they make.

She can even sign the names of the animals. She amazes me.

Now a days, I certainly don;t under estimate her. She surprises me with her cunning daily.

It was a wonderful trip with her pre-preschool to Little Farm.
1 comment:
Well kids will be kids! Just kidding!
Love, Granny
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