It's Holly's very first concert

Free in the park by the beach in Alameda

The band, freedomland, a Micheal Jackson cover band

They were good, and we knew all the songs.

It was especially fun to be there with all our friends.

Blankets and a picnic on the lawn

It was a warm day, but the show was in the early evening

There was a breeze off the water which made it a pleasant night.

Holly had a lot of fun exploring the crowd

Mommy had to keep a sharp eye out

Holly was quick and likes to explore a lot!

But then she also had her friends to play with

Which kept her at the home base much more then I expected

She liked the music and was not that overwhelmed by the large crowd

Though she did give herself a little break when she needed too.

It was great to see all of our friends too

Brendan and Mira and Leelou and Satine

And Chloe of Course!

I think Holly would have fun anywhere as long as Chloe was there.

Its amazing, we can go somewhere on our own and she is bored in 30 minutes.

But when she has her best friend to play with she will stay for hours.

The show was on a Friday night, and it was a lot of fun to have the dads all there.

Unfortunately Joel couldn't come because he didn't get off of work until 7:00

and the show started at 5:30 I think. We missed having our Daddy with us.

Especially me, as it is always nice to have someone to help you keep track of your active toddler.

It was really neat to have these free concerts over the summer

I think though this was the best of the ones we were able to go too.

I mean really, how can you go wrong with a Micheal Jackson Cover band.

At the end of the day, Holly was ready to go and see Daddy, but it was a fun night out.
1 comment:
That brings back memories. Jeff and I used to take Joel and alan to lots of outdoor concerts...jazz fest..etc. They would fall asleep on a blanket, despite the volume of the music! Holly looks like she is really enjoying herself. I love the pigtails.
Love, Granny
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