Here we are at a Play date at Theo's House

We were Joined by Rowan and Teagan

Holly was having a wonderful time playing

She discovered this Buzz Light year action figure!

But even better then that was this Pirate Ship

Theo's Mommy Berrin made it from leftover appliance cardboard. It was wonderful.

It opened up so many opportunities for imaginative play

Here is Holly playing a Trumpet she was so cute

Later Robin and his mom Renata came over to join us.

Throy is getting to be so big, he will be two any day now.

He follows around his older brother and wants to do everything he does.

Here is Theo taking his turn on the Trumpet

He was trying to teach Holly how to play too

Which was really cute. She had practiced before in music class though, so she was making some sounds

Then we had a little impromptu music session

It was fun with Keyboards, and shakers and a drum and tambourine

Here is Holly playing with the clappers

Next Theo decided to read a story to the other kids

Holly was totally listening and paying attention

Then she decided to read a story on her own

But that didn't last for long and she was off finding more toys to play with

We enjoyed spending the afternoon with our friends, it was lovely. Thanks for inviting us!
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