Here we are at Mira's Birthday party.

Happy Birthday little one.

The party was on a Saturday afternoon at her house

The thing about at home parties is you can never count on the weather

It was pretty drizzly outside but the party was awesome just the same inside

The kids all had an awesome time playing

There was really yummy food as well, delish pasta

Then it was time for the show, Tracy the Animal Guy

Here is a link to his site:
Tracy had so many animals to show us.

At First Holly was scared and did not want to watch the show

So I let her stay in Mira's room and play, I sat near the door

But after a few minutes the animals lured her out and she totally wanted to see what was going on.

The Rabbits were cute and cuddly and the rooster was so cool

She loved seeing the turtles, the big was was neat

There was also a red eared slider like mack

And there were little animals too

The kids were not even afraid of the spider

Though many of the mom's were.

This was a hermit crab. I thought that was really neat

Then there were the snacks, another kid favorite

that the mommies backed away from

Mira was such a trooper wearing the snack like an accessory

Even LeeLou gave it a try

This guy was awesome, it was an iguana. The kids couldn't pet him though

He lives in a tree and has long nails so we had to be wary of scratches

There was a baby duckling that Holly just adored

He even popped onto Mimi's head for a ride

The animals were completely entrancing the kids

They simply loved it.

I think I might have loved it as much too, I couldn't wait to see what was coming out next

There was a Guinea pig and a white rat and tiny mice

Then there was this really long, really big albino snake

All the kids got to stand up and hold him together

He was really heavy

At the end Tracy fed several of the animals

So in a way we got to see them all again briefly

as they were all getting put away and packed back up

Some of them even did tricks, when they were eating

Tracy would "loose" them and the kids of course pointed and shouted where they were

A few were super kid friendly and could be left out for petting

The Guinea pig and the Rabbit were ooh so soft

Holly really liked petting them

She wanted to give them big hugs and rub her face on them

Its a sensory thing I am sure, but I had to tell her to be gentle

Then it was time for yummy cake

It was Sponge bob!

Here is the Birthday Girl patiently waiting with her yellow balloon

All of the kids were seated to wait

That in itself was like a magic trick

Then it was time to sing!

Here is Mira blowing out the candels

It was so cute how Holly tried to blow with her too

Then a few of the kids were able to play with the figurines

Amazingly they stayed and sat and waiting, knowing we were cutting cake

Here they all are, Eli, Chloe, LeeLou,Brendan, Kaylee

There were even birthday hats

Isn't she such a cutie!

This picture is simply adorable

Our birthday girl in her birthday hat

June and July is really birthday season, so many of our friends turn three around this time

Its amazing how much fun Holly has shoping for and picking out presents for her friends

Wraping them and drawing on the wrapping paper, it is really cute.

Finally it was time for the cake.

Then it was play time.

But first a group picture

Aren't they all so cute wiggling around in there chairs

We had a fabulous time celebrating with miss Mira

Happy Birthday!
1 comment:
An animal guy is a cool idea for a birthday party! That albino snake was huge and wierd! The kids look so cute and well behaved sitting in their little chairs...amazing!
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