So several months ago we attended a Birthday Party for Sara

It has taken me so much time to go through them for posting

But there were so many cute ones to see, and such good memories to think of.

The Birthday girl was so beautiful on her special day

There were lots of fun activities for the kids to do

Drawing with chalk

Playing with Balloons

An entire two bins full of toys

And all of our friends were there

There was this neat stretchy dough stuff

Like Modeling clay that Holly really enjoyed

Bikes to ride on

Chairs to climb on.

Stickers and crafts

and even music

Here is Cole, a friend we don't get to see enough of.

We were also excited to have Tanta Kat and Daddy with us.

Not only is this fun for Holly

Its nice for Mommy as it gives me a chance to enjoy the party

I get to talk with the other parent's which is so nice.

After a while Holly discovered the water.

Oh boy were we in for it then

She got a little fixated and wanted to play with nothing else.

Here is our Friend Josette, we miss her so. She has moved away.

Look at this beautiful Birthday Cake, it is so vibrant

We were all ready to get a big bite.

There were lots of other snacks too

This amazing fruit salad

and different kinds of breads

Holly just wanted to play

I tried to get her to eat some of the good stuff first

But she was soo busy




and with all of that,

my little one was soaked.

Who would have thought a water fountain could do so much damage.

I didn't have a change of cloths either,

But it was a warm day, so it was ok for her to be wet.

Here the girls are playing with the dough.

It was this weird stuff, I don't remember what it was called

It was a little sticky, but like rubber not like play dough.

It was a lot of fun.

Soon it was time for the Birthday cake.

Sara loves Curious George and the cake was covered with dancing monkeys

Sara really liked the candles too

She blew them out several times, it was so cute, she kept asking for more and saying again.

I can't beleive this was so long ago

The girls are all almost two and a half.

They grow up so fast.

The cake was delisious

Even Holly had a few bites

Sara was a princess, so sweet on center stage

Look at all her characters, what fun!

Then it was time to open her big present

A two wheeler bike, with a helmet

It also had a Baby seat on the back so she could give her bear a ride

and a helmet for the bear too, so she would be just like Daddy.

It was such a cute gift. She loved it.

The party was a great sucess and everyone had a blast.
1 comment:
Holly is so consistent! If there is water there...Holly will be there! What a beautiful birthday cake! I've never seen anything so beautiful.
Love, Granny
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