After this we had another very short break, maybe less then 5 minutes before seeing Dr. Hagerman. Holly was very tired at this point. She was fussy and cranky. when we were last there she wasn't walking independently, so to see her running Dr. Hagerman was excited and impressed. She did a physical exam, chatted with us, observed Holly, and reviewed the early scoring of the Mullins.
When we were talking everything she said didn't sink in right away, some of it did while we talked further, some not until later after reading the report. When she said Holly was in the 1st percentile for language I didn't understand what she meant. All of my life I had been measured int he 99th percentile, top 5% so she had to repeat this three or four times before it sunk int hat she was at the complete opposite spectrum 1st percentile in language, meaning 99% of children her age are more advance, and what shocked me most about this, was at the time I was in fear of loosing speech therapy service. here a specialist is telling me she is concerned about her language acquisition and that she should be seeing a speech therapist 2-3 times a week, and I am fighting with the regional center to keep get her speech at all, and then to keep it, because her delays may not be significant enough, how these two things can both be possible in the same system appalls me when I think about the lack of services out there for children, and budget cuts, and getting the things she needs. the other thing that didn't sink in was that they called her borderline, as in intelligence, as in her composite score of "73" not realizing this was an early equivalent to an IQ test, and of course how could she score anything higher when she can't speak or communicate yet, but again that number or the fact that they were equating this to IQ took a little bit to hit me.
I am not saying that I am living in complete denial, but I have been working on the theory that she has the capacity to be main streamed in a regular classroom, and will graduate high school and all that Jazz. I am not saying I suddenly don;t think that anymore, I still do, but I am coming from a perspective of having an IQ of something like 137, and Joel's is even higher then mine. When I was pregnant, I realized that it was completely possible her IQ would only be between 100-80 is we were very lucky and she was in the top 10% of fragile X girls, but since having her, all her accomplishments really had me thinking she was right up there on the higher end, but then I guess compared to the language development of her friends, 3 months younger, she is much further behind. I also realize though, that this is hardly any indication to what her "scores" might look like at 3 or 5 or 10 for that matter. But it was also a bit of a shocker, wrapping my brain around a number. When I heard numbers like 12-14 month level, knowing she was 18 months, I was thinking well that's not even 33% that doesn't even qualify her for services, that's only a few months behind, but then hearing it in this different format sort of struck me differently. On a positive note, another thing that didn't sink in until I read the report, was that Dr. Hagerman was super excited that her visual processing scores were int he 73rd percentile, she was ecstatic and said that is rare in fragile X kids. I was thinking, hmmm... 73rd isn't so great, obviously better the 1st, but she sure is excited. When I read the report that that meant she was in the 20 month range, I realized that 50% is average, and 18 month range, so being above 50% meant she was actually advance compared to neurotypical kids in this one area. This was great news. While in the office, as I said earlier Holly was fussy, so I had pulled out my iPhone and we were looking at her flash cards and ABC Animal App, and Dr. Hagerman was amazed with these and said that we should do these with her several times a day and get video;s for her and that with such high visual perception scores she will be able to learn much faster in this way.
The other major thing we discussed was her anxiety. Things that I described or even observed in the office as being fussy, Dr. Hagerman interpreted as her having anxiety. Exposure to animals, participating int he exam itself, issue with her personal space. Difficulties falling asleep, easily frustrated, even some lack of attention and focus. Dr. Hagerman explained that it was very common in Fragile X kids to have uneven levels of Serotonin production, and this not only deals with things like Anxiety but also language development. She indicated that there have been some studies done that upon starting a course of Sertraline (Zoloft) there is a language explosion. The notion is that if the serotonin levels are properly regulated, then when the back part of the brain is trying to communicate with the front part, traveling along these serotonin pathways there won;t be as much of a delay. A practical example of this is when we sing the Open Shut them song, Holly responds a verse after it is sung, so I will sing about putting out hand in our lap, but she doesn't respond with the action until I have almost completed the next verse about clapping, so she is off, because her processing time is so slow to think about what she want to do and then tell her brain and then for her brain to tell her hands, all of this supposedly can be helped with Serotonin. Also the thought is that if she had decreased anxiety then she won't get frustrated so easily and she will stick to a task and master it and learn. So we decided to give this a try.
Another excerpt from the report on dosage: " This would be the liquid sertraline which is 20mg/cc. I am recommending 2.5mg or 1/8cc by mouth each morning. If we do not see a result with 2.5mg, we may later increase this to 5mg each morning. The dose can be cut in half if she becomes hyperaroused or more hyperactive on the medicine. " So the amount we are giving her is really small, and it needs to be mixed with certain kinds of juice or lemon aid, so I have a 1/2 ounce medicine bottle that I am using. At first the medication said to mix it with 4 ounces of liquid, I thought that was insane, but read in someone else's blog on how they had to do that and thought it must be true, and wondered how on earth will I ever get her to drink 4 ounces of juice or lemonade. But after 2 days I called the pharmacist to ask if I could instead add it to formula, which i know she will drink 4 ounces of. he said no, there is a reaction with dairy, but that I didn't need to give it to her in 4 ounces because her dosage was so small the 1/2 ounce was fine. So every morning she has been taking it. She has not had any adverse reactions, and in short I will give you a summary of our observations so far.
So the other thing we started Holly on was Melatonin to help her sleep at night. this is a naturally occurring hormone that it is possible her brain isn't making enough of, so it isn't triggering the message to sleep when it is night time. This is over the counter and she is taking it in small doses, about 1/4 the adult dose. Sleep issues are very common with Fragile X kids, and I am happy tp report it has worked amazingly, during the first week it went from 2 hours to get her to fall asleep to 20-45 minutes. Since then we have implemented a new bed time routine where Joel puts her to sleep and stays asleep with her. he then wakes up early at 6:00 AM to work on projects. I think this has helped relieve stress and pressure on me, but also she knows daddy isn't trying to "leave" as soon as she falls asleep, he makes the room boring, and she doesn't fight it. Joel thinks she was fighting to stay awake to hear me sing and basically manipulating me, while I thought it was soothing her, in a way it was, she wasn't squirmy, but she was also staying awake to listen. So this new system has been amazing.
After we rapped up with Dr. Hagerman we met with Vivien and we completed the Vineland assessment, which is basically our own report of her developmental status, and then it was time to go home. I am going to conclude this post, and start a new one with our observations of Holly after being on Sertraline for 1 month.
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Again I am struck by what amazing parents you and Joel are. Your dedication to getting expert care for Holly, and also things like insisting that she has a playground break...I just can't tell you enough how much I admire your parenting! I think Holly is a lot smarter than the tests show, it's just difficult for her to express it. But with you and Joel behind her...she'll succeed! Love, Granny
Sorry I missed this post when you wrote it awhile ago. Of course I can totally relate to much of what you are feeling about Holly's scores. It is really weird, but at least for me, not entirely unwelcome, to have a kid who will see and experience the world in such a dramatically different way. Still so tough though at times.
Anyway, glad to hear the sertraline has had such a good effect.
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