Friday, September 12, 2008

6 months old

6 months old
Originally uploaded by

On Thursday September 11th at 1:13 AM Holly turned 6 months old! I am shocked and amazed at how much time has gone by, she is so big now, she has such a little personality, and really isn't a baby but a little person. She isn't crawling or walking, but wants to be mobile, she is just starting to sit on her own, but has sat supported for quite a while. She loves to lunge and grab things, she is thoughtful, and moves with intent, she can drink and hold her own bottle, but sometimes needs help staying focused, as she loves to chew on the nipple. She has two little teeth (fangs) and her favorite past time is chewing on things. She smiles, and Laughs, and she babbles to herself. She makes new and different sounds all the time. She likes her pacifier, but doesn't have to have it.

She chews on her fingers and toes. She doesn't like stretching her arms or bearing to much weight on them yet, but when she wants something she certainly can reach for it. She is quite proud of herself when she gets something she wants (like Daddy's Glasses) and can be verocious, when she is using those fangs. She likes to sleep on her side, and cuddles her blanket. She almost always sleeps through the night (except when she is sick) usually waking around 5-6 if she fell asleep by 8:00, but later if she was up late. She usually takes two naps during the day, and can be rested after 20 minutes, but sometimes will sleep 2-3 hours after a long day.

She can roll off of her tummy onto her back, but sees no usefulness in rolling onto her tummy yet, as that is not her favorite position. She reaches and twists and turns. She has bopped her head twice learning to sit. She has been in daycare for 2 weeks now, and loves to watch other babies, she has had her first fever, and her first earache. She knows her mommy, and smiles when she sees me. She has favorite toys, and shows preference for which she wants to chew on. She loves to read, she loves to dance and sing, she is starting to get distracted if the TV is on. She loves her bouncer, and still likes to nap in her swing. She is 14 1/2 lbs, and just over 25 inches. She is growing out of her 6-9 month onezies already, because she is long wasted. She has more cloths then any child could ever need, but always looks amazingly cute, and wears every outfit at least once.

Her ears have been pierced almost 2 months, she likes to go to swim class, and doesn't mind getting water in her face. She has learned to entertain herself, at least for a few minutes. She communicates and lets us know what she wants and is engaged. She tries to get my attention if I am busy and not focused on her. She has met 2 Great Grandmothers, 3 Grandmothers, and 1 Grandfather. She has fun playing with her PT and her OT/IDS, except when they make her work too hard, or after a long day. She loves getting baby massages, and taking baths, and has tickley spots on her chest, legs and neck. She has dark brown eyes, and red highlights in her brown hair. She loves to go on walks, and is very curious, absorbing everything. She can blow little raspberries and sticks her tongue out at mommy. She likes the little baby in the mirror. She is my little holly and she is 6 months old!

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